Make Your Own Zobo Drink At Home | Recipe

Zobo drink or hibiscus tea is made from the leaves of Hibiscus Sabdariffa. Its red color makes it appear like rich wine in a transparent glass cup.

Nigerians take this drink as refreshment hence many have turned it into a full-time business.

The drink is very easy to prepare and cheap too, so sellers make a lot of profit. Zobo drink is also more healthy than carbonated drinks. It is readily welcomed at parties. If you don’t want to spend so much buying an overdiluted zobo from the market, you can learn how to prepare it to follow the recipe below:Zobo drink

Zobo Drink Recipe

Ingredients needed for 5 liters of Zobo drink:

  • Dry Hibiscus leaves – two cups
  • Konafuru cloves – two tablespoons
  • Ginger – two pieces
  • Garlic (optional) – to your taste
  • Pineapple – one piece
  • Fruit (lime, orange, etc.) – several slices for flavor
  • Water – over 5 liters (some liquid will evaporate during boiling)
  • Vitamin C (optional) – a little bit
  • Sugar (optional) – to your taste.

Method of Preparation:

  • Place the dry flower leaves into a bowl with water for a while. Rinse out dust and sand particles.
  • Take the Konafuru and turn it into powder.
  • Since you are using fresh ginger, you need to take off its skin. After peeling, you have to wash it. Use blender or knife to turn it into small pieces.
  • Peel the ripe pineapple also and cut with a knife.
  • Add the zobo leaves to a sizeable pot and pour excess water to cover the leaves and heat.
  • Let the leaves keep heating until the water starts to boil. Allow boiling process for a couple of minutes.
  • Pour in more water before adding the ingredients. It can be ginger, garlic, and other flavoring extras. This time let everything boil for half an hour or even more. All Hibiscus flower leaves should turn really soft at this stage.
  • Remove it from the stove or cooker and place aside until it becomes cold.
  • Meanwhile, you should place the pineapple pieces into a blender and blend them. Leave the juice only. You’ll use it later.
  • Sieve out the leaves from the mixture. You only need the clear juice, not the leaves themselves.
  • Pour the pineapple juice into your drink. The mixture shouldn’t contain any pieces of flowers or pineapples in it.
  • You can now add vitamin c or other optional ingredients to change the taste of your Zobo drink.
  • There is no need to leave your beverage in a big deep pot. Use bottles to make portions and place them in a fridge (if you have one). Or just find a cold place in your house and keep it there.

Zobo is ready! Note that pregnant women and people with health issues should consult their doctors first or stay away from this drink.